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Bangun-bangun tido aku belek2 berita baca PCWorld,,terbaca berita menarik tentang Apple nak buat iPhone mini, handphone yang bersaiz 1/3 daripada iPhone biasa itu dikatakan kemungkinan akan diletakkan pada harga yang lebih ekonomi serendah USD200 tanpa kontrak di US, harga yang disebutkan itu lebih murah dari iPod touch 8gb iaitu USD 229(lebih kurang RM800 harga dekat Malaysia),. Selain itu iPhone mini ini mungkin akan menggunakan simcard biasa, tidak melecehkan seperti iPhone 4 yang perlu menggunakan microsim,,
iPhone mini juga dikatakan mungkin tidak mempunyai home screen button,,satu-satunya button yang terdapat pada bahagian depan iPhone/iPod touch/iPad,,(dah lama dah dengar rumors pasal ni kat dalam MacRumors dulu). Antara sebab Apple nak buat phone murah seperti ini adalah untuk bersaing dengan handphone android yang ekonomi yang harganya jauh lebih murah dari iPhone.
iPhone 4 sekarang harga market di Malaysia tanpa kontrak lebih kurang dalam RM2200-RM2500(warranty under maxis/digi),,kalau iPhone mini ini harga dia dah hampir 1/4 dari harga iPhone 4,,
Walaubagaimanapun, saiz yang 1/3 daripada saiz asal mungkin agak kecil bagi sesetengah orang yang mempunyai saiz tangan yang besar.
Sumber dari PCWorld
Apple to Launch Low-Cost iPhone
By Carrie-Ann Skinner, PC-Advisor-(UK) Feb 12, 2011 6:31 am
Apple is thought to be preparing to launch a low-cost version of the iPhone.
According to Bloomberg, which cites a source that claims to have seen the device, the iPhone Mini will be around a two thirds of the size of the existing iPhone and does not feature a 'home' key. It is likely to cost around $200 in the US, although no speculation was made on UK pricing.
It is thought the smaller handset will be available with a "universal" SIM that allows users to switch between networks without having to remove on SIM and insert another. Furthermore, it is likely to be made available on a Pay As You Go (PAYG) basis rather than 18-month or two-year contracts.
Apple hopes the low-cost device would help rival the success of Google Android, which as well as targeting the high-end smartphone market, has become popular with low-cost devices that offer many of the same functions as smartphones.
"Instead of targeting 25 percent of the global mobile-phone market, Apple would be going after 100 percent," Charlie Wolf, an analyst at Needham & Co, told Bloomberg.
The source also revealed that Apple initially aimed to unveil the device mid-way through 2011 and very few Apple employees know the 'iPhone mini' exists.
aah... br dpt msg dr iphone td psl iphone nano ni... hehehehhe... br gne iphone4... iphone skang superb laaa.. :D
iphone mmg best kot,saya xmampu beli iphone,guna ipod touch pun dah cukup,,tp itunes dan appstore ni bnyk sgt pantang larang sampai rase guna android lg flexible.
wah, hahahaha. gabis review ko buat! ok, nak gak tgk mcm mane kecik dia nanti. leh ambik sebijik. murah sgt tu.
hehe.aku memang macam2 aku baca,ipod aku penuh ngan bahan bacaan jek,nak jadi orang berilmu sikit.hehe.
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